Saturday, March 12, 2011

Well; let's start with the obvious... I have neglected my blogging; ONCE AGAIN! And I was half way considering being done. But when I logged in this AM I found a new follower! That is exciting news!
Alot has happened for the Gilmore family since adoption day. We officially declined to update our foster license this year. That is huge news. We moved to our new house. That was nerve racking! We have become debt-free. That is exhilarating. And we are considering home schooling next school year. I don't have a word to describe that because I don't know I feel, yet.
Let's back up and do a re-cap of the past two months.
1. Bart, Dad and the two older boys went to see Monster Jams Monster Trucks; not once, but twice in the month of January! Let me remind you, I have NEVER been (insert sad face and cry baby voice here) and they went to Evansville and to Lucas Oil Stadium to see it. Yeah they got to go to the Colts Stadium. These boys are on my crap list! But I got plans for me and my girls. Will share in a bit!
2. No more foster care!!! After five years and 40+ kids we turned in our license. I loved doing it; but we need some "normalness" in our lives. I understand that is not a word; but when you spend your days with two year olds you tend to come up with your own vocabulary. I will miss the CASA's we had and one case worker in particular, but I think we will survive. I still have a desire to help these kids and families in need and after talking with the CASA director, I found out she would be "delighted" to have me as a CASA when I am ready to do so! That means alot to me. Her and I have worked some hard cases together and to have her offer me that was very nice and reassuring to me.
3. New House!!! We moved, not far, but with a brood like mine switching bedrooms is a big deal! We moved across town to a smaller house. I know; I was worried, too. But, I do believe a smaller house was what we needed. It's all one level (the old house was two stories plus laundry in the basement) and this is so nice. We are in a quiet little neighborhood and have... DRUMROLL PLEASE...... a privacy fenced back yard! This is huge for the kids. They have been outside almost daily to climb trees, ride bikes, play ball, decorate my patio with sidewalk chalk and run like wild people. I love cleaning up from dinner and seeing my kids outside my kitchen window play without a care in the world. And the best part, I got my new front loading commercial grade washer and dryer. If you are looking I suggest the Maytag Maxima 6000 Series; I love it!
4. Bart went to dayshift. WOHOO! After four years of night shift Bart is now on days. The kids don't know what to think, they are so confused with his schedule now. But Momma is lovin it!
5. Debt free- last month we paid off our last vehicle loan. We now own two vehicles, a brand new 4 wheeler, utility trailer and everything in our house... FREE AND CLEAR! Still renting our house, but now we can save for a huge down payment with less bills! It's very exciting!
6. Home schooling is something we are considering ALOT lately., I just have not been happy with the direction our government is taking our public schools. Our schools are not helping us reach the full potential of our kids. And my kids have issues all their own that some teachers refuse to accept and to be honest it's just stressing our entire house to the max! The kids just seem to do better when the teachers send home blank papers and we do the lessons at home with no classroom instruction. This decision is in the very early stages right now so we will see.
Annnnd. Spring Break is coming in one week. Wohoo! We all need a break. We will be traveling to see Great Grandma eight hours away while Bart stays home to work. It's all fair, Bart has a "man trip" this summer. But we are not going before me and my girls go see Disney on Ice: Princess Wishes next weekend! We are so excited. It comes on TV and Peytan says, "That my princess. Mommy, I gone to see it!" It will be so much fun!
And that is all the craziness (other than the stomach bug that hit three times the past month, but I will be nice and spare the details!) that we have endured! And sorry, no pics, camera is MIA.

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