Thursday, April 28, 2011

No Excuses

Not gonna hear any. Excuses that is. I just flat out haven't felt like writing. There ya have it; my attitude lately.
Is anyone else so sick of reading about everyone's perfect little life in their always clean house with their so well behaved kids, so loving husband, great paying job..... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Just wanna tell them to shove it. Nobody has ALL that. And if anybody did; it would be me, right? OK maybe not. But nontheless; sick of hearing it.
Fact of the matter is; my kids are driving me to request of script for Ativan (for me or them, I personally don't care. So long as the doc writes at least one!) husband is being far from what makes other woman jealous, my house is in desperate need of attention, and well.... I haven't had a job for five and a half years!
I am in need of a reprieve. It can't get here soon enough.
I'm also in need of some sunshine. Mother Nature, frankly you have been rather bitchy lately. Did you miss the memo that your rain, thunder, lightning, winds and tornadoes are no longer welcome here. For one it damages property. None of mine... eh, scratch that. My "perfect" Gavin who believes my truck is his personal jungle gym at one point slightly opened my moon roof with out my knowledge. I went to get into my truck and it was soaked inside from the night's rainfall. Every 527 inches that fell that night. Ok not that much but you get the point. So yes, it smells like basement in there now. It was a week ago and today I was finally able to air it out b/c it FINALLY stopped with the torrential down pour. But still; minor compared to other damage in our area.
And another thing Mother Nature. You keep my kids awake ALL NIGHT LONG! You may enjoy that schedule. WE DO NOT! I know have numerous kids in bed together because they are all scared. And I'm pretty sure if Peytan wakes up in the bathtub to wailing sirens and a non stop weather radio, she may very well kick your ass herself. She's a tuff cookie; I wouldn't mess with her.
So there is my rant. I'm ready for sunshine, a daquarri or two, or ten, some retail therapy and time away.

1 comment:

  1. Ditto to the whole thing! I am ready for nice weather and no kids in my bed as well. Last night was the first time I have had a good night sleep in what seems like a long time. Bound to get better though, right?? Lol.
