Friday, January 7, 2011

aLmOsT TiMe

It's fast approaching!!! Tuesday that is. Basically the day I will "birth" three children, a six year old and two - two year olds. Beat that Kate Gosselin and Octomom!
Yesterday's meeting went ok. I wanted to prove a point more than anything and that I did. I didn't walk away rich by any means and that was not my goal. But I did fight a good fight and showed a big shot law-girl from PA who thought she could walk all over me simply b/c she graduated law school and uses bigger words; that you don't mess with or question a momma defending her cubs. I totally had my poker face on and didn't take any crap. Evidently she doesn't know me very well. She thought she could intimidate me; hah! I may have been a nervous wreck on the inside but I was stone cold on the outside.
I finally have Doris saying her name... Peytan "Doowis" I have never heard anything so damn cute! And Gavin; well he has the cutest damn rain boots any boy would even want. They have monsters on them. He LOVES them. Wears them everywhere. Even at home with his jammies, or simply a diaper! Nothing better than that. (Speaking of boots, Alecia's teacher told her today that she can't wear boots and HAS to wear tennis shoes. Umm, if you haven't noticed Ms. Second Grade Teacher; it was snowing this morning! That's a whole 'nother post!)
And Caleb was ill this morning! Poor boy. Woke me up at 5am to tell me his head and belly hurt. Only to be followed by immediate vomiting. Oh fun! But was better by day break. So he basically enjoyed a free day off of school. We played some Wii, watched a movie and then he was so bored he willingly went upstairs to clean his room?!?! Um, ok so maybe he is still sick. I should check his temp.
I decided to go ahead and post real pics of the soon to be newest member of the family. (Even if I am not supposed to do it before Tuesday. Frankly, these workers can... you know what!

Gavin Hnter with a Mr. Potato Head hat, back pack and or course; his thumb!

Peytan Doris always having to add to her outfits. Her Hello Kitty toboggan is one of her favs.

Caleb Fisher with his Christmas smell goods! He loves to smell like a handsome man and hasn't missed a day of putting on deoderant!

Would you look at that face!! Does it say I'm mishevous or what?


  1. Congrats Momma!! They are some cuties! The world is lucky to have such a wonderful ppl like you and ur hubz..

  2. Thanks Andrea! I really wouldn't have it any other way. And the good hubby doesn't hurt,either!
